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Climate Crusader Bill Gates Tries To Justify His Use Of Private Jets

Climate Advocate Bill Gates Recently, a man tried to justify private jets using his investments in green technology.

During an episode of “The Microsoft Co-Founder,” the Microsoft cofounder spurned hypocrisy allegations. Interview The BBC Kenya broadcast Friday’s news that he had made a decision to “spend billions of dollars” Climate innovations like carbon capture systems are more important than his individual carbon footprint.

“Should I stay at home and not come to Kenya and learn about farming and malaria?” He asked Amol Rajan, a reporter. “I’m comfortable with the idea that not only am I not part of the problem by paying for the offsets, but also through the billions that my Breakthrough Energy Group is spending, that I’m part of the solution.”

According to a report by a, Gates flew more that 213,000 miles in 2017 on 59 private jet flights. Study from Linnaeus University economics professor Stefan Gössling. According to Linnaeus University economics professor Stefan Gossling, the flight activity produced nearly 109 tons of carbon dioxide, which is almost 109 times more than the US’s per capita emissions. Data From the World Bank

According to an article, Gates owned four private jets as of 2021: two Gulfstream G650ERs, each about $70 million, and two Bombardier Challenger 350s, each $27 million. Article Skyluxe Aviation. The vehicles’ combined value is $194 Million

Government officials and business leaders have been frequently criticized for their choice to travel on private jets. These aircraft emit an estimated 40 times the carbon per passenger of commercial flights. John Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy to Climate Change has similar experiences. touted His work in solving climate change was questioned by him about the use of a luxurious aircraft.

“If you offset your carbon, it’s the only choice for somebody like me who is traveling the world to win this battle,” He was a contestant two years ago. “The time it takes me to get somewhere, I can’t sail across the ocean. I have to fly, meet with people and get things done.”

The use of private jets by conference attendees in Davos, Switzerland to reach their resort village was also criticized. An Analyse commissioned by Greenpeace found that 1,040 private planes flew in and out of airports servicing Davos during last year’s conference; the vast majority of the jets were embarking on short-haul flights of less than 500 miles that “could have easily been train or car trips,” The event was attended by just one plane, which flew 13 miles.

Greta Thunberg, a Swedish climate activist Indicted The conference of hypocrisy gathered corporate leaders and bureaucrats to discuss their climate commitments.

“We are right now in Davos where basically the people who are mostly fueling the destruction of the planet, the people who are at the very core of the climate crisis, the people who are investing in fossil fuels, and yet somehow these are the people that we seem to rely on solving our problems,” She spoke. “They have proven time and time again that they are not prioritizing that. They are prioritizing self-greed, corporate greed and short-term economic profits above people and above planet.”

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