the bongino report

The Dems’ Worst Reactions to China Spying on Us

Democrats and their fellow travelers were stuck trying to defend Joe Biden’s failure to address the Chinese spy balloon until after it had traversed the whole country and likely beamed whatever it managed to collect back to Beijing. Biden finally ordered the operation. Shot down from the Atlantic.

Joe Biden’s reaction was bad, but the reaction of the Democrats and their fellow travelers shows that this problem was endemic and not just restricted to Biden.

We witnessed one hell of a reaction to the Chinese spy ball from Bill Kristol (Never Trump Character). as I reported.

He is the one who gets the most negative Twitter reactions. Kristol’s only thought, even with the Chinese threat under Biden is how to attack President Donald Trump.

But at least he doesn’t hold elective office. Some of the Democrats in office responded that they weren’t serious people. It should concern us all that these are people who hold any power and make decisions that could affect the safety of the country.

You can see this wild take by Rep. Raul Guilva (D-AZ).

“People are outraged by a Chinese surveillance balloon,” Grijalva said. “But when @DHSgov puts up a surveillance blimp in Arizona border communities without community consultation.” Later, he edited the tweet to include in “rightfully” outraged.

Although I have concerns about government surveillance this is ridiculous. It’s a blimp helping visual observations with border control. These blimps can be found in Arizona and Texas. To combat drug and human trafficking, and other forms. But Grijalva doesn’t seem to care about that.

We’ve already seen that Joe Biden has made a massive mess of protecting our borders, and now even our skies. Grijalva plans to attack Border Patrol and make comparisons to the CCP balloon. There’s a big difference between protecting our own border and allowing a CCP balloon free access to our country. If you don’t know the difference, maybe you shouldn’t be in Congress, because you surely can’t do your job correctly. This progressive insane thought has captured Democrats. This kind of thinking is what Grijalva used to be able to think for over twenty years in Congress.

Grijalva faced stiff competition from Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) for the most unsympathetic reaction in Congress.

Murphy said that if you were worried about the Chinese spy ball, it was only a matter of time. “bed wetter.”

This is the U.S. senator calling Americans “bed wetters” because he is concerned about national safety. What a juvenile response — that’s what he thinks of you.

He was so bad! These are his tweets indicating that he believed being concerned made him more dangerous. “unserious.”

It’s then that you might wonder why Biden needed to be shamed into doing anything. This is the Democratic Party which not only doesn’t care about our security, but will insult you for caring.

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