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Want to Know How to Loosen Your Tight Hip Muscles?

Tight hip muscles can lead to pain elsewhere in your body, promote poor posture, and limit your range of motion—and are a leading cause of falls in the elderly.

  • Long periods of sitting can cause your hips to become narrower and tighter, which can lead to back and posture problems.
  • To increase flexibility, pain relief, and avoid injury, you can do exercises to your hip muscles.
  • Stretches and hip exercises can help to reduce patellofemoral pain as well as iliotibial bands syndrome.

Many people forget to include hip strength exercises in their workouts. It is crucial to do this, because weak hip muscles can lead to a number of problems in your mobility. Poor hip motion can be caused by weak hip muscles.

This can lead to pain in the hips, knees and back. Your hips need strengthening. The gluteus maximus (which lies on your buttocks or back) and gluteus medius are both primary muscles in your hips that need strengthening.

Your hip flexors—the rectus femoris and the iliopsoas—should also be tended to, especially if you sit at a desk for long hours.

Long periods of sitting can cause your hips to become narrower and tighter, which can lead to back pain and poor posture. Additionally, weak hips can lead to knee, ankle and foot injuries. [1],[2]

Because the muscles are not always extended, sitting is the main culprit for tight hips or thighs. However, they can also become tighter from exercise. BarreAmped is a worldwide-taught technique that Suzanne Bowen created. This exercise will lengthen and strengthen your muscles. Fitness Magazine and Natural Health Magazine voted it the best barre workout in 2015. [3]

You’ll need a chair or kitchen counter for support. You will need to start in a kneeling position, with your right leg bent at the knee and your left foot in front. Keep your left knee just a few inches from your left hip. Bowen suggests this exercise: [4]

“1. Continue to press forward, a few inches in front of your right leg, until you feel a gentle stretch at the opposite hip.

“If you have very tight hips, this might be as far as you go. (Protect the front knee by making sure it doesn’t extend out beyond the toes.) To do a deeper stretch, place your left leg behind you. Then press forward.

“2. When you’re ready to move on, reposition the rear leg as needed so you can stretch your right leg straight out in front of you. Keep your back straight and lean a few inches forward from the hips and feel the stretch in the right hamstring.”

Each position should be held for between two and five deep breaths. Then switch sides.

POPSUGAR Lifestyle Media Publisher has compiled a list of yoga stretches to help open your hips, increase flexibility, decrease pain and prevent injuries. Although dancers and athletes stretch their hips to maximize performance, anyone can benefit from them, even desk workers. [5]

  1. Happy Baby (opens your hips).
    • Start lying on your back. Keep your knees bent and your hands on the outside edges of your flexed toes. Your arms should be on the outside of your legs.
    • Gently press both your knees down to the floor with your upper body. Relax your shoulders and chest.
    • Five deep breaths are required to remain here.
  2. Extended Wide Squat (stretches both the hips simultaneously)
    • Your feet should be slightly wider than your hips. Lower your hips towards the ground by bending your knees. If your heels don’t touch the ground, roll up a towel or the back of your mat and place it under your heels for support.
    • Your palms should be pressed together in your heart centre. This will allow you to open your hips further.
    • After five breaths, lower your hands to the ground and then walk away. This will increase the hip stretch and lower back. Continue to hold for five more breaths.
  3. Open Lizard (for hip flexibility and outer hips).
    • Place your right leg forward and extend your left arm out in front of you. Your left knee should be lowered to the ground.
    • Slowly lower your right knee to the right so you’re resting on the outside of your right flexed foot. For more stretch, press your chest forward and keep your arms straight.
    • For five deep breaths, hold this position for five more and then switch sides.
  4. Wide-Legged Split (stretches your hips and hamstrings)
    • Wide Squat is when you place your hands on a flat surface and then inch your feet apart. Make sure your heels are wider than your toes. Keep your soles on the ground so your knees are protected.
    • Your hips will become lower as your hips drop. Next, prop yourself up with your arms and then go down to your shoulders. If your shoulders are on the ground, turn your head to the side and rest your cheek on the ground so you don’t bruise your chin.
    • Take five deep, slow breaths and then take five more. Then, bring your feet together.
  5. Butterfly (stretches both hips at the same time)
    • Place your feet on the ground and bend your knees. Use your hands to open your feet as if you were holding a book. Your leg muscles will be used to push your knees toward the ground.
    • Your spine should be extended, and your belly button should be drawn inward. Relinquish your shoulders and look either toward your feet or in front. After five deep breaths, take a slow, steady, forward fold and bring your torso towards your legs. Your spine should remain straight.
    • Place your hands on your heels and press your knees with your arms. If you prefer a more stretchy position, you can extend your arms in front of your body. Continue to hold this position for five more breaths.
  6. Head to Knee (for hips, hamstrings)
    • With your legs extended out in front, sit on the ground. Bend your right knee to pull the soles of your feet against your left inner hip.
    • Standing straight up, extend your arms to the side and place your torso on your left thigh. If you can’t reach your hands to your foot, rest your hands on your shin or knee. Do not round your back.
    • For at least five minutes, relax your shoulders and neck away from your ears. Next, switch sides.
  7. Pigeon (opens your legs one at a while)
    • With your right knee bent, extend your left leg behind you. You can pull your right heel towards your left hip or, if you have wider hips, move your right foot away.
      Keep your left hip pointed down towards the mat. If your left hip begins to open toward the ceiling, bring your right foot in towards your body.
    • Keep your hands on your right thigh, hips or right leg. Or, you can walk your hands in front of your body, allowing your torso and right knee to rest above your hands. Take five deep, steady breaths into areas of tension or tightness.
    • This pose can be repeated with your left knee bent.
  8. Double Pigeon is a great stretch for your glutes.
    • With your legs straight out in front, sit down on the floor. Bend your left knee, and place your knee, shin and foot on the floor so they’re parallel with your pelvis.
      Your right knee should be bent and placed on top. You’ll know you’re doing it right when you gaze down and see that your legs make a little triangle.
    • Your top knee may be pointing up towards the ceiling. It’s OK, it just means that your hips are tight, so just stay where you are and breathe.
    • This pose can be made more intense by placing your hands in front your shins. Next, raise your arms and stretch your legs out.
    • Take five deep breaths and slowly let go. Next, switch your legs so that your left knee is at the top.

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The hip joint is a ball and socket joint. It needs to be moved regularly in order for it to function well. If you’re mostly sedentary, your hip health and mobility can quickly suffer.

In the video above, BJ Gaddour, director of Men’s Health Fitness, demonstrates a sequence of hip exercises to improve mobility by moving your hips through their full range of motion. If you spend a few minutes doing these every day, you’ll experience stronger, more flexible hips.

Problems elsewhere may cause pain at one location in your body. The problem could start in your hips, as is the case with knee pain. Patellofemoral pain syndrome is a common problem in runners. It occurs when your thigh bone rubs against your knee cap during running.

Pilot study shows that this type pain can be reduced, or eliminated by strengthening your hips. Participants underwent a six-week hip-strengthening program twice weekly. This led to significant pain relief. Tracy Dierks (Ph.D.) from Indiana University explained the process: [6]

“The results indicate that the strengthening intervention was successful in reducing pain, which corresponded to improved mechanics …

“The leg was going through more motion, suggesting that the (pain) guarding mechanism was reduced, and coordination or control of many of these peak or maximum angles in the leg were improved in that they were getting closer to occurring at the same time.”

The Iliotibial Band (IT), runs along your leg. It attaches at your hip, just below your knee and to the outside of the ankle. It stabilizes your knee joint when you move.

IT band syndrome is a common injury, particularly among runners. This occurs when the ligament becomes inflamed or tight. A major contributor to this condition is tight hip muscles. Tightening your IT band can cause pain in your knees. This condition can be prevented by stretching:

  • Cross-legged stretch — Stand on the ground and hook your left foot in front of the right. Bend forward towards the waist and press your left big toe into the ground.
    Done correctly, you’ll feel your IT band stretching on the outside of your right leg. For a second, hold the stretch and then uncross your legs to continue.
  • Wall stretch — Stand about an arm’s length from the wall. Stand with your left leg forward and your right side back. Keep your left leg bent and press down on the right heel. Keep this position for between 20-30 seconds. Then switch sides.

Also, a foam roller is also available. Below is a quick Runner’s World video demonstrating a simple foam roller exercise to loosen your IT band.

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Reduced mobility in the hips is a major cause of falls among seniors. Therefore, regular hip exercises are essential for your independence and good health. The exercises that follow will help strengthen your hips and improve flexibility—even people with hip osteoarthritis can benefit. CTC Healthcare created the video below.

  • One knee hugging Lying on your stomach, grasp your right knee and pull your leg towards your chest until it feels stretchy. For 20 seconds, hold the position. Continue on the left side.
  • Bilateral knee hugging Place your hands on your stomach and gently pull your knees towards your chest. For 20 seconds, hold the position.
  • “Cobra pose”: Place your hands on the floor and lie face down. Lift your upper body off the ground by straightening your arms. Your lower back should be straightened, and your pelvis should contact the floor. For 20 seconds, hold the position and then slowly lower yourself down.
  • Hip flexion with abduction/adduction Sit on your back and bring your knees towards your chest. Keep your knees bent and your hands together, rolling your knees from one side to another for 20 seconds. Repeat for the other side.
  • External hip rotation Lying down on your back, draw your right knee towards you. Your right hand should be on the knee, and your left on the ankle. Pull your right ankle towards your head. Continue to hold for 30 seconds. Then, go back and repeat the process with your left leg.
  • Internal hip rotation Place your face down on the ground, and then bend your knees 90° to let your feet fall forward. For 30 seconds, hold the position.
  • “The Clam”: Place your feet on the floor and place your knees slightly bent. Your top knee should be raised as high as possible. Then, lower your knees. Do this 15 times. Next, switch sides.
  • Bridging: With your back flat on the ground, place your feet on the floor and raise your hips towards the ceiling. You will need to pause for a while before you lower back. Repeat this five times.
  • Use your knee pivots Lay on your back with your feet together, knees slightly bent. Your top knee and foot should be raised. Keep your knee bent and your foot in a straight line. Now, turn your foot upwards and downwards. You can repeat this 15 times and then switch sides.
  • Heel pivots: Place your feet together on your back, with your knees bent. Lift your foot and top knee. Your foot should be in a neutral position. Next, rotate your knee upward and downward. Do this 15 times. Next, switch sides.

Originally published Jan 5 2023 on


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