the federalist

Records Show Interior Dept. Officials Knew Climate Protesters Might Turn Violent But Didn’t Stop Them

Internal records made public by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) show officials at the Department of the Interior downplayed the threat presented by left-wing climate protesters who, in October 2021, launched what could be called an insurrection by Democrats’ standards.

A swarm formed by the People vs. Fossil Fuels group on Oct. 14, 2021. Stormed the Department of the Interior’s D.C. headquarters to conclude five days of activism in the nation’s capital. In the violence-sparked demonstrations, fifty-five protesters were taken into custody. “multiple injuries were sustained by security personnel,” According to the Interior Department. One officer was admitted to the hospital.

Climate protesters are pushing police to get into the Department of the Interior. Other activists have already made it in to the building to try to occupy it.

— Ellie Silverman (@esilverman11) October 14, 2021

[READ: Can You Spot The Difference Between These Two Insurrection Photos?]

Records compelled by the nonprofit government watchdog group Protect the Public’s Trust show agency leaders were caught off guard and unprepared for the eruption of violence despite clear warnings of unrest.

On the morning of the riot, Mili Gosar, the deputy chief of staff for operations in the secretary’s office, commiserated with colleagues about protesters outside the building.

“Hey all, just a heads up if you’re in the building, Lt. [REDACTED] just called me to say there were about 30 protestors inside the building at C st. and another 60 or so outside,” She wrote. “I’m sure they’re friendly and everything is fine, but just passing along the message in case anyone is trying to head out for lunch or anything like that!”

Melissa Schwartz, Interior Department Communications Director, responded about 15 minutes later with a cautionary note.

“Not friendly,” Schwartz wrote. “And everyone should avoid C Street, thanks.”

However, senior leadership was well aware that demonstrators who came to the headquarters of the agency were not friendly.

According to Messages Dated the day before the riot Steve Hargrave was the security chief of the department. He raised concerns about the demonstrations which resulted in the cancellation a press conference.

“I just spoke to Commander [REDACTED] with the Federal Protective Service,” Hargrave wrote. “He contacted the organizer for the peaceful visit to the DOI and she expressed concerns about the group that would accompany them to DOI. The organizer has decided to cancel the DOI visit.”

According to emails made public by Protect the Public’s Trust, demonstration organizers met with the National Park Police six days before the riot to discuss planned episodes of “civil disobedience.”

“Your application indicates a plan by your group for civil disobedience,” The application was submitted to the park ranger who would process it for demonstration. “Please describe what type of civil disobedience your group is planning as well as the location and duration of those actions.”

“Perhaps we need to schedule a meeting,” In an email dated Oct. 5, 2021, the organizer responded.

The park will close on October 6, 2021.

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