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Excuses…Make You Fat

Calvin Huynh

Four Cop-Outs to Avoid

Fat loss isn’t easy, but it’ll be nearly impossible if you allow these cop-outs to take up space in your head. Here’s how to kill them.

Excuses are your enemy

You have to work hard for your fat loss. You know this, but it’s easy to forget when the going gets tough. And boy, does it ever when you’ve collected a pile of unhealthy habits and unwanted fat.

I’m all for extending support, encouragement, and warm fuzzies. But if those haven’t been working, you may just need to get called out on your BS. So let’s address the most common excuses and finally get some fat loss going.

Cop-Out 1 – “I Don’t Have Time.”

Everyone has limited time. Welcoming to the human race. It is possible to make the most out of what you have. The key is prioritizing exercise and nutrition even if it feels like your life is so much busier than everyone else’s.

Imagine this. If a wizard offered you a million dollars to drop the chub, you’d suddenly find all the time in the world to lose weight. So even though that guy doesn’t exist, reframe your health/physique as being a priceless and urgent thing to care for… because it is.

Before the week begins, take a look at your calendar and make a plan. You can do this by setting up specific times for your workouts, shopping for groceries, cooking meals, and getting to the gym.

It takes time and effort to be consistent in everything. Take 5-10 minutes every night to plan the next day. You’ll be more focused and realize you can lose fat without as much time commitment as you originally thought. It takes only a few hours a week to make food and train.

And if you still think your calendar is too full, I’m not letting you slide that easy. For more time, trade some Netflix binging or Instagramming. It’s now.


Cop-Out 2 – “I’m Always Hungry.”

You eat less fat when you diet. Your body is being calorie limited. It should be. “eating” It uses its own fat tissue as fuel. It might make you feel hungry.

However, it doesn’t have to feel miserable, especially if you’re in a small deficit. This is why I’m a big fan of tracking calories. It is possible to manage your deficit and still eat enough food while losing fat. Keep in mind that the more aggressive your deficit is, the slower you will progress. The faster progress and increased hunger are the results of a more aggressive deficit.

You can also use these tips to suppress your hunger:

  • At least 0.7g per pound of your bodyweight protein each day.
  • Consume lots of fruits and vegetables.
  • Eat at regular times.
  • Eat slowly, chew thoroughly, and don’t watch TV while you’re doing it.
  • Minimize liquid calories.
  • Try chewing gum zero-calorie beverages If you are bored and need to snack.
  • Sleep at least 7 hours each night.
  • Stress can be reduced.

Occasionally, you’ll still get a bit hungry, especially if you’re in an aggressive deficit. This is when you can simply accept your hunger. It is normal to feel a little uncomfortable when you are trying to lose weight. You won’t die, and the Earth won’t explode because your stomach feels a little uncomfortable during a diet.

Cop-Out 3 – “I Have Cravings.”

Cravings aren’t necessarily a bad thing. As humans, it’s normal to desire pleasurable foods because they taste good and stimulate our reward system.

Is this a sign that you should give in to your desires? It depends. If you can make progress and still eat some of the higher-calorie foods you crave, I don’t see an issue. Most people are not trying to be stage-lean, so their diets don’t need to be overly strict. However, you’ll have to eat these foods in lower volumes and frequencies than you did before. (This tip is obvious.

Moderation is important, but you might still be tempted to eat higher-calorie foods due to your lifestyle. You’re only human, but if giving into every little craving means you never move towards your goals, then you got some underlying crap to take care of.

This means that you will need to:

  • You can deal with the emotions that cause these cravings.
  • Use non-food methods to cope.
  • Remove specific foods from the house if they’re too triggering.


Cop-Out 4 – “I Messed Up So I Might As Well Give Up”

This is a psychological phenomenon we’ve probably all experienced. But you wouldn’t slash your remaining tires if one of them went flat. You wouldn’t burn your house down because you burnt a piece of toast. And you wouldn’t chop off your foot if you stubbed your toe.

These are only a little more exaggerated than the irrationality of spiraling out of control for a week because one meal didn’t go as intended. This is what people with a all-or-nothing mentality do. But it’s no way to diet.

The original definition of diet is a sustainable way to eat. It doesn’t mean you have to eat the same foods or calories forever, but there needs to be some semblance of consistency.

Stop identifying yourself as an all or nothing dieter. This excuse will make you eat nachos every weekend. Find a sustainable way of eating. Don’t be too extreme if it’ll cause you to go off the rails when you slip. It’s OK to slip if you get back on the right track.

Don’t make excuses for your weight loss.

People feel happier and more confident when they lose fat. That’s something you know. I don’t need to convince you to want fat loss, but wanting the outcome and achieving the outcome are two different things.

It all comes down to letting go of the excuses in your head. Get rid of the excuses, and you can reach any weight loss goal that you desire.

This excuse is so offensive to me. As lazy as I may be, I know there’s time.

It is better to limit certain foods, particularly liquid calories like soda and fruit juice. If the food is made by the corporate psychopathic scum bags such as General Mills, Nestle, Kellogg, Dole, Del Monte, R. J. R. Nabisco, Pepsi, Minute Maid, McDonald’s, Gatorade, Quaker, Frito Lay, etc. I won’t touch it. These foods are intended to lead to obesity and excess consumption.
Moderation is bad because it’s a compromise. Additionally, I don’t drink. This has helped me stay free of belly fat for over a decade.

I’m the average guy. I’m almost 52 and the day I work it’s for 12 hours at least.
Between january and June last year I’ve lost 21 kgs.
How? Just calorie deficit guys.
I’ve read James Smith NOT A DIET BOOK and gave it a try.
I use my fitness buddy app for free.
I’ve never eaten so much sweets to be true.
Never look so good in my entire life even if I’ve always been in good shape.
So… Excuses…
Consistency is just as important in barbell.

From 23+stone (320lbs), I am now 15 stone (210lbs). Used to think I wouldn’t be able to lose the weight and now I’m gym 4-6 times a week and cycling into work roughly 16 miles total per day 5-7 days.

You will lose weight if you find a cardio and workout program that you enjoy.

I love this topic. I lost over 90lbs four years ago and have kept 70 of it off and I’m stronger today at 55 than I have ever been in my life. Two things helped me. 1) Keto. Keto isn’t magic, but it did stop my cravings high-carb food. Although I am still low-carb, keto for three months has finally allowed me to give up my intense cravings for carbs. 2) Realizing that weight loss is not about exercise – it’s about calorie management. My weight has fluctuated greatly throughout my life. I’d get on a weight loss kick, hit the gym 6 days a week doing all sorts of intense cardio focused exercise and lose 20 – 40lbs then regain it all when I couldn’t keep up the “pace” Most commonly, it is due to an injury, shin-splints, exhaustion, or a combination of both. I would not put off going on a “diet” Because I hated all the cardio work. It was a silly thing to poop. Now, I do heavy barbell exercises three days a weeks. The best thing was to disconnect exercise from weight management. Exercise is for building and maintaining muscle – weight loss is managed in the kitchen and I avoid high carb foods in general just so I don’t start “craving” You will be back. I feel better in my 50’s than I did in my late 30’s and 40’s. Calorie tracking also gets my strong vote. With MyFittnessPal (and similar apps) it’s just so easy. We appreciate your contribution to this article.

100% agree. Certain foods are ones I am certain I won’t eat if I start. I avoid packaged candy like Kitt Katts or Peanut Butter Cups. They are too good. Another thing I try to avoid is nuts. These are wonderful things. “healthy” Wow, there are so many calories packed into such a small package.

I really am always hungry, I’ve been watching my weight for about 10 years and I never got over it but feels better than being a fatass

For a metabolically healthy individual, maintaining adequate fitness doesn’t take much.

Look at WHO guidelines for physical activity… it’s really not that hard get in a couple of walks and maybe 60 minutes of resistance training in per week.

If you can’t afford to go to gym… do some pushups and pullups in your room.

The abhorrent dietary practices that lead to people becoming overweight and obese could largely be systematically nullified by cutting out fast food and soda… especially soda…

You can still overeat without fast food, but grilled chicken and salad doesn’t taste as good as KFC.

Which are I more likely than others to eat more? The one that satiates me and tastes decent or the one that tastes so awesome i’ll keep eating it even when i’m full and I know my stomach will pay for it tomorrow?

That’s a lot of weight to lose! 52 looks great!

Thanks Buddy but it’s just because of the beard :wink:

TBT it’s been quite easy… To my surprise!!! HAHAHA

While I do not have any proof, this really made a big difference in my life. My weight dropped to 18st when I stopped going to the gym and lost weight. Shadow Pros q&a was recommended and I signed up for the mag-10 Plazma combo in the summer. My insulin response was the only thing that stayed with me through it all. Couldn’t eat carbs without feeling sluggish and tired whereas now I genuinely feel good after a big load up and I can really feel the difference between working out fasted and with carbs unlike before.

You could also make things with protein (rotate between fish/salmon, 20% fat mince, and chicken thighs), as well as rice. This is what I eat most of the time.

Season the dish with some spices, my favorite being chipotle chilli chips and jollof. Bit of ketchup siracha and bbq sauce mixed in, don’t even bother counting it myself.

Eating home-cooked lunches can make a big difference. Just add a little more to every meal and eat that as a lunch.

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