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Actor Gerard Butler Says He ‘Almost Killed’ Hilary Swank During Filming

Gerard Butler, actor, revealed that he “almost killed” Hilary Swank, co-star in the movie, was hospitalized after an accident during filming. “P.S. I Love You.”

During the 53-year-old’s appearance on “The Drew Barrymore Show” Tuesday’s announcement by Butler “behind-the-scenes” Mishaps and occurrences in some of his most famous films. He shared with Swank what happened during the filming of their romantic comedy.

Butler stated that Swank is cool because “I almost killed her” He explained to Gerry Kennedy a scene in the movie in which he is dancing around “like an idiot” Boxer shorts with a pair of suspenders.

In the scene, the actor’s character was the one who was supposed to have a suspender clip fly over his face, but instead, the clip hit Swank in her head and “slashed” Butler remembered that it was still open.


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“It [got] stuck, it release[d] and [flew] over my head,” The “300” star explained. “I cut her open. You could even see the teeth [of the clip]. She has to get taken to the hospital.”

The “Ugly Truth” Star explained that this clip was “so dangerous” That “the camera crew people had plastic fronts to protect themselves” From it.

Actor said that after the accident, the studio cleared out in a matter seconds. He claimed that he was left there wearing only Irish boxer shorts. “crying.”

“I scarred Hilary Swank. I almost took her eye out, and I just made a fool of myself for two days,” Butler said.

Butler shared recently that even though he didn’t get the opportunity to be an actor, he still had other career options.

During Butler’s Premiere of his latest film “Plane,” He stated that he could easily imagine himself working in an outdoor setting.

“Going to work in a national park as a land commissioner or something,” He stated. “I like the idea of being forced into — not forced into nature — but to have that as my everyday experience, to be in nature.”

Related: Actor Gerard Butler Reveals What He Would Have Done If Hollywood Fell Through

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