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Kash Patel: “I Have No Faith” in Special Counsel’s Probe of Biden Documents

Former Defense Department Chiefs of Staff Kash Patel He said that he doesn’t trust the special counsel to investigate President Barack Obama fairly. Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified information.

“We’ve already seen how they’re handling it—they’re not,” Patel told The Epoch Times’ Jan Jekielek on an episode of his “Kash’s Corner” Podcast, to debut on January 20th at 8:00 PM. ET.

“The FBI, DOJ aren’t investigating this matter,” He added. “No, subpoenas have gone out, nothing. And so, I don’t have any faith in this new special counsel.”

On January 12, Attorney General Merrick Garland This was the culmination of a turbulent week in the Biden administration. appointing Attorney Robert Hur as special counsel to probe Biden’s storage of classified documents in unsecured locations.

Trump appointee Hur was U.S. assistant for the District of Maryland, April 2018 to February 2021. After that, he left the Department of Justice for private practice.

Hur worked at the DOJ from 2003 to 2018, in various capacities, reporting to familiar people like Christopher Wray (now-FBI Director) and Rod Rosenstein (ex-Deputy Attorney General).

Patel says that Hur can’t be trusted to remain objective because of this fact.

“In the Trump administration, when Jeff Sessions was recused from all the Russiagate stuff, Rod Rosenstein was the attorney general for all those matters,” Patel added that Rosenstein was also mentioned. “hand-picked” Hur will be serving as the principal assistant deputy attorney general.

“How they handled the Russiagate investigation is my problem,” Patel stated.

On Jan. 15, 2023, President Joe Biden attended a service at Ebenezer Baptist church in Atlanta, Ga. (Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images).

A ‘Political Charade’

Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller special counsel to the Trump Russia investigation, in 2017 after Jeff Sessions, the then-Attorney general, was unable get involved. Rosenstein was also involved in the investigation into Trump-Russia. signed off on spying on Carter Page, an ex-Trump campaign associate.

Patel, at the time serving as senior counsel to House Intelligence Committee said that Rosenstein, Hur and his records were subpoenaed while he was trying to expose “the corruption of Russiagate,” They had. “blockaded” the committee’s attempts to obtain information on the probe.

“[Hur] doesn’t get a hall pass from me,” He stated. “I think he’s just another one of these corrupt government gangsters who … was politically chosen by Merrick Garland because they’ll be able to say the following headline: ‘A Former Trump Appointee Is the Special Counsel Investigating Joe Biden.’”

Describing Hur’s appointment as a “political charade,” Patel was added: “Just like in the Russiagate days, I think [the DOJ is] already setting the landscape for the cover-up that they need to have happen so their own problematic handling of prior investigations is not exposed. So, that’s why I have no faith in this new special counsel, and I just don’t see it becoming an actual investigation.”

The attorney general described Hur as having “a great deal of integrity” when he appointed him. “long and distinguished career as a prosecutor.”

“I am confident that Mr. Hur will carry out his responsibility in an even-handed and urgent manner, and in accordance with the highest traditions of this Department,” Garland was added.

Although Hur was not present for Garland’s announcement, he pledged to conduct his duties as special counsel with “fair, impartial, and dispassionate judgment” The DOJ released a statement.

“I intend to follow the facts swiftly and thoroughly,” Hur added “without fear or favor, and will honor the trust placed in me to perform this service.”

Hur was contacted by The Epoch Times to provide comment.

Uncertain Timeline

According to the White House, the first cache of classified documents in Biden’s possession was discovered on Nov. 2 at the Penn Biden Center in Washington and reported immediately to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). They were then sent to NARA the following day.

According to Attorney General Merrick Garland, the National Archives Office of the Inspector General notified the Justice Department of the documents’ discovery on Nov. 4 and the FBI opened an investigation into the matter on Nov. 9.

Patel, however, said he doubts the administration’s timeline of events, finding it unlikely that NARA was unaware that the documents were missing.

“Are we really to believe that our top librarians in the United States of America didn’t know for six years that these documents were missing?” he said, adding that the matter should be investigated by the House’s newly-formed Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

House Republicans won last week launched their own investigations into Biden’s possession of classified materials, requesting access to all the classified documents that had been discovered by the president’s attorneys “at any location,” In addition to the names and locations of those involved in the search, there are also communications between NARA, White House, and DOJ on the subject.

Epoch Times Photo
Reporters play frisbee outside Joe Biden’s home in Wilmington, Del., in 2008. (William Thomas Cain/Getty Images).

Other Concerns

Since the first stash of documents was located, additional documents have been found at Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware, residence, in searches conducted by his personal attorneys. Even though the White House has made public disclosures about the results of these searches, there are still many unanswered questions.

Noting that it is still unclear as to how the classified materials ended up in Biden’s possession and were moved to those different locations, Patel said it was important to find out whether there were more documents to be found in other locations and who had access to the materials.

As no visitor logs exist for Biden’s Wilmington home, Patel said Congress should question all the Secret Service agents who have protected Biden over the last six years to learn more about who might have had access to the documents.

“Did the Secret Service have knowledge back then that there were sensitive documents running around in the wild?” He added. “That’s another question that no one’s asking.”

The Secret Service, according to spokesman Anthony Guglielmi, screens all of the president’s visitors but does not keep records of who is vetted.

Other questions have arisen regarding the DOJ’s handling of the investigation thus far, like the department’s decision to allow Biden’s personal attorneys to carry out the document searches without any supervision from law enforcement.

“That’s like having someone commit the murder … and then you let the murderer go and collect the evidence and bring it back to the cops,” Patel noted. “That’s absurd.”

Patel also contrasted the situation against that of the DOJ’s investigation into former President Donald Trump’s storage of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, alleging that the department’s political bias against Trump was now on full display.

“How is it that Merrick Garland can go to a podium and now say, ‘Well, it was justified that we went in with a full SWAT force into Mar-a-Lago, and it’s justified that we are letting President Biden’s attorneys conduct their own search of classified documents, who may or may not have the appropriate security clearances’?”

Implications for 2024

Prior to the White House’s public disclosure last week of the classified materials’ discovery, it was anticipated that Biden would announce his intention to seek reelection within the next couple of weeks.

However, the investigation was announced and prominent Democrats began to respond. calling for a special counsel, some began to wonder whether there wasn’t more to the timing of the announcement.

“I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this story broke the week or two before the world was to learn whether or not Joe Biden was going to run for reelection,” Patel noted.

This suggests that the scandal was leaked. “sideline” He posited that Biden. “What I believe is happening is there are people in the Democratic Party and the establishment media who don’t want Joe Biden to run for reelection.”

Other people have also believed the same thing, such as Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), which stated Fox News on Wednesday, “There’s an element to this that feels like the Democrats are taking out Joe Biden.

“I don’t know that that’s the case, but I don’t know that it’s not,” Gaetz added. “But just as Joe Biden is hardening the cement around his decision to run for president again, they start looking for what classified documents might have been tucked away eight years ago.”

Patel, however, said that it was unlikely that Biden would be charged by the DOJ in this case. Instead, he held that the department would do the bidding of the Democratic Party and, using the legal woes of Biden’s son Hunter as leverage, convince him not to run again.

“They’ll say, ‘Hey, look, we’ll probably walk your son Hunter into a really nice deep plea agreement where he’s not charged with anything serious and you as a sitting president can commute or pardon him,” He suggested. “And then you guys can leave and go live your lives, and we, the Democrats, will put up a candidate we think can defeat Donald Trump.”

The Epoch Times contacted the White House and Justice Department for comment.

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