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Lauren Boebert Tells Dana Loesch What She Said To Marjorie Taylor Greene In The Congressional Ladies’ Room

Lauren Boebert, a Republican from Colorado, told Dana Loesch on radio what had been said behind closed doors between her and Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene had a run-in while in the Congressional ladies’ room.

Boebert spoke to Loesch on her radio show this week, and she detailed the conversation — which took place during the fight over whether or not Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) would become Speaker of the House.


“Don’t be ugly.” Lauren Boebert describes the events that took place in the congressional ladies’ bathroom with Marjorie Taylor Greene. (From The Dana Show

— Mike Sington (@MikeSington) January 19, 2023

“Just going to ask you right out of the gate, what the hell goes on in the ladies’ bathroom?” Loesch asked and Boebert laughed.

“Okay. So I actually kind of love that that story came out because of how I was quoted. So, yeah, I mean, we’re talking in the congressional ladies’ bathroom. I’m there with Anna Paulina Luna, and, you know, people are upset about what’s going on in the Speaker’s race,” Boebert stated that the negotiations had been going on for days already and that some were unhappy about it.

“We hadn’t received the concessions that we wanted,” Boebert added that, despite having their differences, everyone had been polite and professional to one another when discussing the situation.

Greene, Boebert said, took a different approach: “And my colleague from Georgia, the gentlewoman from Georgia, came up and started, you know, being kind of nasty about it. And no one else had been nasty about it. Everyone had been very professional.”

Boebert stated that she had witnessed a different Congress over the past few days and that both sides were engaging in productive discussions and debates.

“It was the most organized I have seen Congress since I’ve been there in two years,” She said. “Relationships were being built and strengthened on both sides of the aisle. It was incredible. And so when she started going after me, I looked at her and said, ‘Don’t be ugly.’”

Loesch pressed a bit then, noting that up until the battle to elect McCarthy Speaker, everyone had believed Boebert and Greene to be friends — but Boebert made it clear that wasn’t necessarily the case.

“I think the media saw two women in Congress, you know, there was there was nothing against her. We travel in the same circles, have the same policy views on a lot of things, not everything, but on many things,” Boebert replied, adding, “But yeah I looked at her, said, I don’t have time for this. I said, ‘Don’t be ugly.’ And that’s something that my granny used to say to me when I was being a brat.”

“It’s like the most inoffensive thing you could say,” Loesch said.

“She said, she said, ‘Don’t be ugly.’ Granny. Granny told me that a lot, though,” Boebert laughed.

“It’s like sounds like a very, a Coloradoan version of ‘Bless your Heart,’ right?” Loesch observed.

Read More From Original Article Here:

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