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Turning Point USA Hits MSNBC With Cease and Desist for Claiming They’re a “White Supremacist” Group

MSNBC received on Tuesday a cease and desist notice regarding an article describing Turning Point USA. “MAGA white supremacist cult.”

In House Counsel at Turning Point USA Veronica Peterson wrote the letter. It stated that the January 7 article,Most Latino Congress ever is more progressive — and more MAGAThe following is a quote from Julio Ricardo Valera of MSNBC Opinion Columnist. “false and defamatory statements.”

“The article has no surrounding context for this baseless assertion. TPUSA will not tolerate your reckless and defamatory statements and demands that you issue a retraction immediately,” The letter includes.

The article mentions Anna Paulina Luna, a freshman at Congress. She stated that she had followed the instructions. “MAGA playbook to gain political fame.”

“She has ties to chief Kevin McCarthy opponent, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., and has worked with what I consider to be a MAGA white supremacist cult: Turning Point USA. There is also the moment in 2019, the year before she decided to first run for Congress, when she decided to stop using her married name Gamberzky and changed it to Luna,” According to the article.

“Setting aside the outrageous use of the word ‘cult,’ your allegation that TPUSA is a white supremacist organization is patently false,” Peterson noted, adding that Turning Point USA a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.

“Even Politifact confirmed that claims regarding TPUSA and white supremacy have zero factual basis. According to Politifact, ‘scholars who research white nationalism and even [Charlie] Kirk’s [founder and CEO of TPUSA] critics say the ideas he advocates for aren’t the tenants of white nationalism.'”

“Your article goes beyond expressing mere personal disdain for our organization. Instead, you make a baseless assertion that TPUSA is a white supremacist cult. Your statement is actionable defamation for which TPUSA demands immediate corrective action,” Peterson continued.

Peterson cited Arizona law to support his claim that the allegation was false. “unquestionable harmful to TPUSA’s reputation and brings the organization and its student affiliates into disrepute with the public, potential donors, and current and future business partners, posing a significant financial loss to the organization.”

The letter is in response to MSNBC’s allegations. “you immediately cease and desist further unlawfully defaming our organization and retract the defamatory statement,” Peterson stated that the retraction should not be made after January 12.

“If TPUSA is not made aware of the retraction by this date, we are prepared to promptly take all steps necessary to protect our rights, including pursuing all available legal remedies, seeking monetary and non-monetary damages, injunctive relief, and attorneys’ fees and costs.”

“TPUSA, our students, our supporters, and our alumni like Rep. Paulina Luna will not put up with MSNBC and woke contributors like Julio Ricardo Varela when they slander us and our movement. We will advance this legally until we receive a full retraction and apology,” Kirk wrote the following tweet.

TPUSA has threatened legal action before after false statements have been made about it.

The organization was threatened in July legal action More statements were made The View. Shortly after TPUSA’s Student Action Summit in Tampa, the show’s hosts attempted to connect Nazi protestors outside of the building to the proceedings going on inside.

The show’s hosts had to issue Three apologies Concerning their initial statement as well as any ongoing statements.

This is a breaking news story, and we will update it.

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