the bongino report

More Questions Arise About the Penn Biden Center and Hunter Biden

Reporters asked Karine Jean-Pierre, White House Press Secretary, questions some very important questions about the classified documents that were found in Joe Biden’s office at the Penn Biden Center. Then even more classified documents These were discovered.

One of the questions that the reporters asked and that I think they need to continue to press on was why was there a personal attorney packing up Biden’s old office. A reporter wanted to know if there was any reason that an attorney was present and if the attorney was looking for something. Jean-Pierre didn’t answer the question. It seems a bit strange that a highly paid attorney would pack up an old office. But you might have an attorney there if someone else had discovered the documents and/or if you knew there were things to find but you weren’t sure where they were. So that’s why I think they need to keep asking that question.

It’s also important because of all the other people related to the Penn Biden Center from the Biden administration. I We wrote about these folks — including Secretary of State Antony Blinken and White House Counselor Steve Ricchetti — on Thursday. The University of Pennsylvania also has connections to Chinese donations. What was the exact number of people who had access to this office, and possibly to these documents? We now have to ask the same question about other documents. Biden’s team seems too afraid to say where the other documents are located which I believe is pretty bad.

But now there’s a new twist to the story and of course, it involves Hunter Biden.

In February 2018, the Penn Biden Center opened. But it was long in discussion while Biden was still vice president according to emails from Hunter’s laptop and there was some discussion of Hunter Having an office at the Center

Craig Gering, Creative Artists Agency (CAA), agent, emailed Hunter on April 25, 2016. “confidential notes from our meeting,” Gering outlined the plans discussed by Gering for the vice president after his resignation.

One of these plans includes “wealth creation,” Without further explanation, another mentioned an apparent reference to Washington’s Penn Biden Center, which may have a job opening for Hunter.

“The Biden Institute of Foreign Relations at the University of Pennsylvania,” Gering’s email read. “Focus on foreign policy. In addition to the institute at U of Penn, the school has an existing office in DC that will be expanded to house a DC office for VP Biden (and Mike, Hunter and Steve?). Operates like The Clinton Global Initiative without the money raise.”

Hunter then confirmed Gering’s notes but emphasized that they needed to be “very confidential” They were not made in stone.

“Yes,” Hunter responded, “in theory that’s the way I would like to see it shake out— BUT please keep this very confidential between us because nothing has been set in stone and there’s still a lot of sensitivity around all of this both internally and externally. He hasn’t made any decisions and this could all be changed overnight.”

The laptop had already shown an email 10 days before that indicated a meeting between Hunter, Joe Biden and Amy Gutmann, University of Pennsylvania President.

Biden resigned as vice president and he was subsequently named an a. “professor” Penn paid him almost twice the salary of a normal professor. He earned $776 527 in 2017 and 2018 despite not teaching a class or giving talks on campus.

The Ambassador to Germany was then confirmed as Gutmann in February this year.

This raises additional questions about contact with the Biden Centre. Is Hunter the owner of an office? Were the documents found in Joe’s office?

Republicans are calling for a special counsel, especially after more classified documents were discovered.

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