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Four Emerging Questions About Biden’s Classified Docs Scandal

As We all know what we have learned. Multiple news reports claim that Biden’s personal lawyers discovered classified material from the Obama administration in his belongings at a private place. They are undoubtedly not where they belong.  After being allegedly found in a closet while packing up the space, the items were immediately handed to the National Archives.  Biden’s attorney general has referred the matter the US Attorney at Chicago to further scrutiny as the episode appears to involve improperly handling classified information or potential unlawful conduct. “The review is considered a preliminary step, and the attorney general will determine whether further investigation is necessary, including potentially appointing a special counsel,” CBS News reports. “The Presidential Records Act requires all presidential and vice-presidential documents be turned over to the National Archives. There are special protocols to keep classified information secure.”  Clearly, those requirements were not followed, and those protocols were not in place, on these documents.

The controversy surrounding the 2016 classified documents scandal involving ex-President Trump and the raid on Trump’s Florida home that was heavily covered by the media, makes this story both a legal concern for Biden as well as a momentous political moment for Trump critics. Biden included — who heavily embraced that controversy.  It is true that there are important differences between Trump’s episode of the Trump scandal and this current issue.  It doesn’t matter which one is ‘better or worse’ if they both involve legally-problematic mishandling sensitive secrets.  The facts in Trump’s case, based on current knowledge, are somewhat ‘worse’. However, this has no bearing on possible misconduct or illegal conduct by Biden.  Trump was found to have far more documents than he thought, and improperly kept some of them even after a long battle with the National Archives. The National Archives came knocking after finding missing items.  Biden’s team appeared to be more proactive and cooperative when they discovered their problem. If Their account is correct.  

Biden’s classified documents were created during President Obama’s term, so Biden did not have the theoretical ability or the means to de-classify them. He was also Vice President at that time.  Trump could have done this with his trove, but there is no evidence that he did.  According to reports, both men had improperly-held classified documents and kept them behind a locked gate that was not protected by mandated protocols. Some questions:

(1) Biden’s team claims that the president doesn’t know what classified documents are, didn’t even know they were there, and didn’t review them before they were sent to National Archives authorities who in turn contacted the Justice Department.  All of this is true. However, there is some doubt. How Did these materials get into Biden’s private office closet? Who You can put them there.  Who could have had access to them if they were sitting unsecure for many years?  These are the kinds of questions that Donald Trump’s Chicago-based US Attorney is trying to answer. Reports say they are investigating.

(2) Between Hillary Clinton’s Criminality that is shameless and deceitful With all the revelations regarding the former and current presidents, it is possible to wonder if this could be a sign of something more. Any The rules regarding the storage and handling classified materials were followed by high-ranking US officials.

(3) What happened to the Biden documents, which were found and turned over on November 2, just a week before the contentious midterm election?  Even the New York Times It seems to be curious about That context:

(4) As headlines broke last night, one thought came to mind: whether these were low-level classified material that might not have been marked as such. This could reduce the impact of the kerfuffle.  How would Biden’s lawyers know what they were looking at if they weren’t marked classified?  It turns out that it is true. They These were Marked classified Some of the documents were deemed to be sensitive information.Update — we’re Find out more The materials were dated between 2013 – 2016 and are allegedly related to intelligence involving Iran, Ukraine and the United Kingdom.

CNN was told by a source that the office contained fewer than 12 classified documents. It is unclear what the documents pertain to or why they were taken to Biden’s private office. Some files with top-secret information were among the classified materials. “sensitive compartmented information” Designation, also known by SCI, is used to identify highly sensitive information obtained through intelligence sources. Federal officeholders are required to surrender classified documents and official documents when their government service ends.

This framing CNN is…rather fascinating:

It is a “headache,” It was just, you see. “fewer than a dozen” Biden will not sign documents. However, he’s ‘trying’ to keep his eyes on the international trip, in spite of this distraction. It’s a real nuisance!  This will expose hackery from both sides.  Pay attention.  I will add a fifth bonus question before you leave. These revelations could have an impact on Jack Smith, the Special Counsel investigating Trump’s Mar-a-Lago document fiasco. (Separate prongSmith is also investigating Trumpworld’s efforts in 2020 to overturn the election. Some observers are wondering if it is right or wise to bring Trump to court over his presidential records.  Although the details of the newly discovered matter do not have any bearing on Trump’s case, the political context is significant and could impact the decisions and considerations of officials who weigh both cases.

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