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Biden to Make More “Migrants” Qualify as Legal

North American leaders meet to discuss the North American Leaders Summit This week, President Biden, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Andres Manual Lopez Obrador met to discuss measures to curb the growth of the drug trade. “irregular Immigration.”

White House Fact Sheet on “Key Deliverables for the 2023 North American Leaders’ Summit“It states that “In particular, the United States, Mexico, and Canada will continue to champion the expansion of legal pathways and other humane measures to address irregular migration in the region.” 

To address the so-called “irregular migration” This has resulted in a record number migrants crossing the US border illegally. The White House stated that this was due to the implementation of an action plan. “improve coordination and address the root causes of irregular migration,” As well as rolling out a “virtual platform” Through the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection “to give migrants streamlined access to legal pathways.” 

According to the White House, this virtual platform will be available for users. “give potential migrants the information they need to come to Mexico, the United States, and Canada lawfully – making them less likely to rely on smugglers who lie about border restrictions in place and put their lives at risk.”

The North American leaders will also build on an initiative that was announced at the previous summit. This would help migrants obtain legal entry to the US by creating a new partnership to establish a center in southern Mexico. 

These measures include sharing best practices in the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program and best practices in the asylum process. “to increase promptness, efficiency, and fairness for the asylum processing systems to ensure that eligible individuals are promptly granted relief or protection and migrants with unmeritorious protection claims are quickly removed.”

The White House said that a key measure to address irregular migration would include the use of “Countering xenophobia and discrimination against migrants and refugees by promoting balanced public narratives on migrants and refugees to support their meaningful inclusion in the region.”

This announcement is made on Biden It was stated that anyone trying to cross the US-Mexico Border from Cuba, Haiti or Nicaragua would be swiftly expelled from the country. Title 42.

“My message is this. If you’re trying to leave Cuba, Nicaragua, or Haiti, or have agreed to begin a journey to America… do not just show up at the border,” Biden said.

Venezuelan migrants were affected by a similar policy in October. It resulted “A dramatic drop“In the number Venezuelan nationals who attempted to enter the United States illegally.

Biden announced, in addition, that the US would permit up to 30,000 illegal immigrants from these countries each month.

Miguel Díaz-Canel of the Communist Party of Cuba took over from Raúl Castro as President of Cuba in 2019. Since 2007, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega is a member of the socialist Sandinista National Liberation Front. Prime Minister Ariel Henry has been acting president of Haiti since 2021 after the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse. Nicolas Maduro, the successor of Hugo Chavez and leader of United Socialist Party of Venezuela has been President of Venezuela since 2013.

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