the bongino report

Dennis Prager: America has become the greatest exporter of destructive ideas

At the present time, China is the greatest threat to world stability, Russia is the world’s premier aggressor-nation, and Islamist groups are the primary exporters of terror and (religious) totalitarianism.

And, for the first time in history, America is the world’s major exporter of destructive ideas.

This is a difficult topic for me to write. My book is Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American values to Triumph. It compares American values to leftist values, and argues that the American value system has the best ever created. I define American values — what I call the “American Trinity” — as “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and e plribus unum (Latin). “From many, one”These are the three American mottos on American coins and banknotes.

These three national mottos are unique to each country. The book argues that any country could adopt those values, and that any country that does will be a prosperous society. Its citizens will be freest in the entire world, and it will prosper.

These values are why Americans have been freest people on the planet and America has been far and away the greatest land for opportunity in human history.

America is slowly losing its unique value system, and as a result, it is becoming less free, more humane, less wealthy, and more corrupt. America is no longer considered the greatest country or the exceptional nation it was in 1776. It is possible that there may be a better nation. However, that is a cold comfort.

We are in the incredible position of being feared by many other relatively free societies; more than a few European countries actually reject America’s current values. They are correct to do so.

America’s decline is most evident in the perverse American doctrines regarding transgender issues.“gender”It is not a fact that a person (or any other individual) has a particular status. “men give birth,” men who say they are women may compete in women’s sports, and physicians and children’s hospitals are right to surgically cut off the healthy breasts of young women and even girls who say they are boys.

America’s war on truth, science, and children has rendered America increasingly an outlier in the Western world.

More and more European countries are rejecting the perverse worlds of Yale and virtually every other American university, of The New York Times and virtually every other mainstream left-wing medium, of Boston Children’s Hospital and virtually every other children’s hospital, and of the University of Minnesota Medical School and virtually every other medical school.

Switzerland just declared that sex is not allowed in the country. “non-binary.” Switzerland has only two sexes. This is true in almost every civilization recorded.

As reported by AP (but not in The New York Times, or anywhere else in the mainstream media left-wing media), Swiss citizens “are entered into the civil registry as male or female, with no other option.” The Swiss Federal Council declared “The binary gender model is still strongly anchored in Swiss society.”

Sweden — the American left’s most admired society until it broke with the rest of the West by allowing its children to stay in school during the Covid hysteria — has also broken with America on the transgender issue. Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare ended the practice of prescribing puberty blockers for minors under age 18; and as of December, mastectomies will only be offered in the rarest of circumstances.

Thomas Lindén, a head of the National Board, announced, “Young people who suffer from gender dysphoria need to be able to quickly receive an investigation and be offered adequate care measures, based on the health and medical services’ assessments of the care needs. Good psychosocial care is fundamental.”

Also, Sweden will accept a Swedish teenage girl who claims she is a boy if she says so. “psychosocial” Care, and almost never hormone blocking drugs, let alone a mastectomy.

Between Sweden’s new policy on gender dysphoria and its allowing children to stay in school throughout the Covid epidemic, an American must sadly conclude that at this time in history, Sweden cares for its young people considerably more than America does.

Last October in England, the National Health Service (NHS), as the Daily Mail put it, announced that “Children who believe they are trans are probably just going through a short-lived phase.” Therefore, logic and morality dictate that we shouldn’t make permanent, life-altering, changes to someone’s bodies through drugs or surgery.

Furthermore, “The NHS England draft guidelines are part of the health service’s plan to close the highly-controversial Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) at the Tavistock clinic, the country’s only gender identity service for children. GIDS is scheduled to shut its doors in the spring after a review ruled that the service was unsafe.”

Stella O’Malley is a psychotherapist and director at Genspect, an international transgender support group, which advises on the UK’s changes regarding transgender issues. “Professionals working with children need to . . . make sure they aren’t inadvertently causing harm by providing short term relief that leads to long term distress. . . . At Genspect . . . . we don’t think changing pronouns helps anyone — it creates more problems than it resolves.”

The National Academy of Medicine in France has released a statement urging the adoption of acupuncture. “psychosocial support” Not hormone blockers and surgery for those with gender dysphoria.

Finland had already adopted a similar policy decision in 2020. Thirteen European countries have rejected the American policy. “non-binary” Attack on children and sexuality of humans

Sadly, with regard to children’s wellbeing, there are many countries in which American parents would rather raise their child.

It was something I had never expected to believe.

I wish you a Happier New Year.

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