the daily wire

New York is the latest state to legalize marijuana ‘Human Composting’

New York It became the sixth state in the country to legalize the practice and practice of composting human bodies, which has been condemned by religious groups.

Governor signed legislation this weekend Kathy Hochul (D-NY), would be an additional “natural organic reduction” Enombment and cremation are acceptable burial methods. The new law This is the definition of the practice. “contained, accelerated conversion of human remains to soil” In a “structure, room, or other space” In which decomposition is possible.

New York joins Washington in allowing the new burial method. Assemblymember Cristina Garcia (D-CA) described As of last year, “more environmentally friendly” Adding that to practices like cremation is a better option. “with climate change and sea-level rise as very real threats to our environment, this is an alternative method of final disposition that won’t contribute emissions into our atmosphere.”

Recompose is a Seattle funeral home that encourages the passage of “human composting” Their legislation is applicable across the country version This practice uses one-eighth as much energy as traditional burials or cremation. Staff members lay the dead body in a “vessel surrounded by wood chips, alfalfa, and straw” For one month, bacteria catalyze “change on the molecular level, resulting in the formation of a nutrient-dense soil.” It can then be used by loved ones. “enrich conservation land, forests, or gardens.”

Religious groups are among those most vocal against the practice. They claim that human composting is a violation of dignity and subverts the dignity the deceased. Josh Buice, the pastor of Pray’s Mill Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, and the president of G3 Ministries, remarked to The Daily Wire that human composting is “in complete contradiction to the view historically held by Christians and Jews.”

“Pantheists have argued that everything can be reduced to matter, God is everything and everything is God, and that every existing entity is only one Being. Under this view, there is no difference between wood chips, alfalfa, and a human body,” He said. “From the earliest of times, the human body has been considered sacred. The rationale is based on what is known as the imago Dei, which affirms the fact that God created every person equally in his own image.”

Buice states that the idea of God’s image in man is the basis of all assertions about the infinite value of human beings in the Christian worldview. “The whole of humanity has inestimable value and dignity before God and deserves honor, respect, and protection,” He went on. “Therefore, the sanctity of human life is not determined by sex, ethnicity, age, religion, condition, or socioeconomic status. This is the foundation from which the Christian community advocates for the protection of the preborn and opposes abortion or any form of mutilation of the human body including euthanasia and sex change surgery.”

Buice forecast that legislators will continue to encourage human composting because of their concern about climate change. However, Buice argued that such practices were incompatible with historical Christian burial practices, which, apart from honoring the deceased and reflecting the hope of resurrection.

“Traditionally, pagan traditions have practiced cremation and in some cases the burning of the body as a form of sacrifice to their idol,” He said. “However, Christians have buried their loved ones with the final resurrection of the dead in view when Christ returns, the world is renewed, and death is forever banished.”

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