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Kimberly Fletcher: Protect Our Children: Stop the Sexualization of America’s Kids

This week, the diabolical “Drag Queen Christmas” Show concluded a tour through 18 states, exposing children. inappropriate sexual content You will be amazed at the progress. Drag shows, events in which adult men impersonate women with a heavy emphasis on sexual content and lewd behavior, are an assault on children’s innocence. Between “Drag Queen Story Hour” These and other public libraries are available. “family-friendly” Moms have had enough of drag shows at the local performing art venue.

Children with explicit sexual content are an attack on families and cannot be tolerated by a country that cares about the future. After widespread protests, the “family-friendly” Drag show, the “Drag Queen Christmas” It was advertised as “an all-ages show” That “may contain adult content.” “All ages” Children include children and moms are not going to tolerate the risk to innocent children. Some leaders are taking steps to address this issue.

It was so shocking, that one Missouri mayor had to be shocked. banned children under 18 You can attend the event. Bob Nation, Chesterfield Mayor told the media. “We specifically in the City of Chesterfield have ordinances. Protecting minors and not allow[ing] minors to be exposed to certain types of entertainment of sexual orientation, etc.” Like every city! The venue made it clear that children under 18 years old would not be permitted to attend the show hours before the event.

Florida officials investigating Fort Lauderdale performed after children were allegedly allowed to go if they were accompanied by an adult. Protests against the sexualization and abuse of children are being met with a growing backlash. “Drag Queen Christmas” Was no longer called “all-ages” Instead, they are presented as “adult content” Promoters. There were still children.

How can we be sure there were children there? Chris Nelson, Conservative activist a video Children were shown at the event. As any citizen would, he disrupted the performance and was eventually escorted by police.

It’s no surprise that children are often sexually assaulted in these situations. “shows.” That’s the point. Children can see the dangers of lewd and indecent behavior as young children and they will accept it as normal. We have been seeing it more often. graphic sexual content It is a deliberate move to get into schools. Like Critical Race TheoryWhile activists insist it isn’t there, courageous parents are making it known. the lie by exposing the filth being fed to our children under the guise of education.

Nelson was removed from the drag-show by police. told officers, “You should arrest them for having children at this thing. That is who you should be arresting.”

People grooming children do not get arrested Moms for America We support Governor Ron DeSantis as well as the other leaders in taking a stand against sexual content that is inappropriate for children. We call for recognition of sexualization of children by Comprehensive Sex Education in public schools and drag queens. “shows” Promoting adult sexual content. This is child abuse. A child shouldn’t be forced or encouraged to explore adult sexual content.

America is blessed with more resources than its children. Nelson Mandela was right to point out the South African experience in his book, “America has no greater resources than our children.” “Our children are our greatest treasure. They are our future. Those who abuse them tear at the fabric of our society and weaken our nation.” This is the same for our children and us.

For many years Moms for America Publicly protested against and opposed graphic sexual content in Comprehensive Sex Education (PSE) in our public schools. “drag shows” These tactics are increasingly targeted at young children. These tactics are not a new one. These tactics have been used for years by the Left. targeted children Inappropriate public displays. In San Francisco, we saw the notorious Folsom Street Fair How law enforcement has turned a blinder. Moms are now fighting to keep their main street from being turned into a strip-club venue.

Educator Neil Postman wrote, “Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.” If we continue to tolerate child sexual abuse, it is a dangerous course for our future. What message is being sent when we ridicule and punish parents who teach their children moral values, and encourage parents to take their children to openly sex events?

It is up to parents to be aware of the dangers of this type of exposure for their children. Parents who continue bringing their children to events encouraging sexualization of kids should be held accountable. We need to question their parents if they continue to bring their children to these lewd public displays.

Our children are our future and we deserve them to be happy and healthy. There is too much at stake for moms to allow our children to continue being exploited.

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