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The 20 Biggest Questions in 2023

Predictions are a fool’s business, but pointing out what the biggest questions of 2023 appear likely to be at this early juncture? This seems worthwhile. Here’s what you need to be on the lookout for in 2023.

20) Does the FBI need to provide answers? Many questions surround our highly politicized FBI. What were their attempts to censor users of various social media platforms and what are their details? Did they run interference for the Biden administration on Hunter Biden’s laptop? Was there any evidence of their involvement in the Jan 6 riot at Capitol? They appear to be specifically targeting Republicans in some cases – can they defend that? Republicans in Congress should ask the FBI about these issues, UNDER OATH WITH THEIR BUDGET ON LINE. Will this happen? Let’s hope so, but at this point, we should believe it when we see it.

19) Will the substation attack continue? There have been a number of events in the last month. unsolved attacks on substations in North Carolina, Oregon, and Washington State These attacks have caused significant disruptions to customers’ power supply, sometimes for several days. These substations are typically unguarded, have hard-to-manufacture parts and no one knows who’s behind the attacks. These terrorists could range from loons and environmental extremists to domestic terrorists or foreign terrorists looking for weak points. These attacks could become a problem because of the lack of security and speed with which parts are made, as well as the slow pace at which they are produced. 

18) What is the crypto price in 2023? Bitcoin was created in 2009, so crypto has never weathered the sort of economic storm we’re experiencing now. Bitcoin was hit hard by the collapses of FTX and Luna. Some believe Binance is responsible.

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