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Brother of Journalist Who Died at Qatar World Cup Suspects Foul Play

The brother of Grant Wahl, a soccer journalist who died on Friday after collapsing in the press box at a World Cup match in Qatar, suspects Wahl was killed by the regime for promoting gay rights.

“My name is Eric Wahl. I live in Seattle, Washington. I am Grant Wahl’s brother. I’m gay,” Eric Wahl said in an Instagram video post, according to a New York Post report. “I’m the reason he wore the rainbow shirt to the World Cup. My brother was healthy. He told me he received death threats. I do not believe my brother just died. I believe he was killed. And I just beg for any help.”

Before his death, Grant Wahl reported that he was detained by Qatari authorities, who demanded he take off a rainbow T-shirt. Homosexual activity is illegal in Qatar under the country’s Islamic Sharia law codes. Wahl also criticized Qatar for its human rights abuses, which led to the deaths of migrant workers.

The scrutiny over Wahl’s death is the latest controversy for Qatar, which has received criticism for that human rights record and for having bribed FIFA officials to host the World Cup. The Washington Free Beacon has also reported on Qatar’s role in financing terrorism and promoting anti-Semitism.

Wahl died Friday at 49 years old while covering a match between Argentina and the Netherlands. The cause of death is unknown, but Wahl wrote the same week that he had felt sick.

“My body finally broke down on me. Three weeks of little sleep, high stress, and lots of work can do that to you,” Wahl wrote. “What had been a cold over the last 10 days turned into something more severe on the night of the USA-Netherlands game, and I could feel my upper chest take on a new level of pressure and discomfort.”

A second journalist, Qatari photographer Khalid al-Misslam, died suddenly while covering a match on Saturday.

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