5 Stars Who Stood AS MUCH AS Cancel Culture, And 5 Who Bowed Down

Cancel lifestyle – the throwing of stones from behind personal computer displays, the social media marketing mob doubling as anonymous arbiters of justice, choosing aside every action of open public figures and private residents alike – gets the capacity to destroy careers, lifestyles, and households. Coronavirus lockdowns appear to have just exacerbated the issue, leaving the morality law enforcement with even more period cooped up in the home to parse out every phrase and band the alarm bells of criminal offense.  

The superstars captured in the crossfire possess two choices: bow right down to the mob and repent for his or her sins, or have a stand. Listed below are five superstars who thought we would bow down, and five who made a decision to have a stand.

BOWED Lower: Chris Harrison

When 2018 photos re-surfaced previously this 30 days of Bachelor contestant Rachael Kirkconnell going to an “Older South” themed fraternity celebration, she was immediately cancelled. Prior to the 24-year-old actuality star had the opportunity to respond, Twitter and TikTok mobs got labeled her a ‘racist’ and ‘bigot’ going as far as publishing her moms and dads’ voting histories and Republican celebration membership.

Former Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay pressed the show’s host, Chris Harrison, for a comment during an interview with ExtraTV. Though Harrison insisted he was “not defending Rachael [Kirkconnell],” he urged Rachel Lindsay to exercise some grace in allowing her time and energy to react to allegations of racism: “Until I actually hear this woman have to be able to speak, who am I to state some of this?

Harrison countered Lindsay’s harsh criticism of Kirkconnell by examining the problem by way of a forgiving alternative lens: “My guess? These girls got decked out and went to a celebration and had an enjoyable experience. These were 18-year olds.” Harrison even likened cancel culture to a “judge, jury, executioner thing,” and declared it “unbelievably alarming to view.”

Why is Harrison on the “Bowed Down” portion of this list? Because in a matter of days, he was cancelled for speaking out against cancel culture. Social media marketing exploded following Harrison’s interview, with many accusing him of excusing and enabling racism.

After nearly twenty years at the helm of the Bachelor franchise, Harrison took to Instagram to step down from his position as host, kowtowing to the mob he critiqued when they turned against him: “From here I could only make an effort to evolve and be an improved man, and I humble myself before everyone.”

STOOD UP: Megyn Kelly

In 2018, Megyn Kelly had an early on brush with the emerging cancel culture phenomenon when she contextualized blackface on her behalf NBC show as “okay when [she] was a youngster, so long as you were dressing just like a character.” Immediately after, she was decried as a racist on social media marketing.

Although she apologized on air the next day, NBC abruptly cancelled the newest “Megyn Kelly Today” show. In the months which followed, Kelly stepped from the public eye to focus on her family and personal well-being.

But she didn’t stay from the spotlight for long. In September, she launched an independent media company and began “The Megyn Kelly Show” podcast, refusing to be erased from public view by the outrage mob. The podcast carries a feature called “You Can’t Say That,” where she exposes the most recent absurd iterations of cancel culture.

Within an interview with Bill Maher in January, she urged those pursuing justice to take action not by tearing people down but with “knowing that people make mistakes and that we’re all imperfect, and we’re likely to screw up, maybe a lot more than once… we’re all only here for a restricted time, and we can’t expect an ideal score of anybody.”

BOWED DOWN: HBO Executives

In June, HBO made headlines when it pulled “Gone With the Wind” from its HBO Max streaming service following the 1939 film was criticized for racism and glorification of the Antebellum South. In a statement , HBO said, “These racist depictions were wrong then and so are wrong today, and we felt that to help keep this title up lacking any explanation and a denouncement of the depictions will be irresponsible.”

“Gone With the Wind” may be the highest grossing movie ever and won ten Oscars, rendering it a vintage from Hollywood’s start. The film also broke down barriers, with actress Hattie McDaniel becoming the initial black actress to be nominated and win an Academy Award on her behalf role as Mammy.  

While standards for what’s acceptable in film have certainly changed in the eighty-plus years since it’s making, HBO’s move ultimately revealed their need to rewrite history, in addition to their mistrust in the audience to draw their very own conclusions.  

STOOD UP: Ricky Gervais

Known for his offensive humor and public critiques of Hollywood elitism, Ricky Gervais in addition has been a separate opponent of the outrage mob. The perceptive Gervais noted cancel culture’s misalignment with liberal ideals within an August interview with Metro : “In the event that you don’t trust someone’s to say something you don’t trust, you don’t trust freedom of speech.”

He’s got also spoken out about shifting standards and the woke mob’s tendency to use modern values to previous situations. In a December appearance on the SmartLess Podcast , he described, “You will be the most woke, probably the most politically correct stand-up on the planet at the moment, nevertheless, you don’t know very well what it’s gong to end up like in ten years’ time. You may get cancelled for things you said a decade ago.”

Gervais succinctly summed up the un-winnable paradox of cancel culture in a July interview with talkRADIO : “Social media marketing amplifies everything. If you’re left wing on Twitter, you’re suddenly Trotsky. If you’re mildly conservative, you’re Hitler. And when you’re centrist and you also look at both arguments, you’re a coward, plus they both hate you.”

BOWED DOWN: Anne Hathaway

In November, Anne Hathaway was called out by the cancel mob on her behalf portrayal of Grand High Witch in a recently available adaptation of Roald Dahl’s 1983 children’s fantasy novel “ The Witches .” The book describes the supernatural character as having “thin curvy claws, such as a cat,” and Hathaway’s hands were portrayed accordingly.

This sparked outrage on social media marketing, where users described Hathaway’s character resembled some handicapped individuals and for that reason might lead to offense to the “differently-limbed community.” Even though film was designed to portray fantastical non-human creatures and Hathaway had not been even the one who created the type, she didn’t hesitate to bow right down to cancel culture almost immediately.

Hathaway promptly took to Instagram to beg for forgiveness: “I did so not connect limb difference with the GHW [Grand High Witch] once the look of the type was taken to me; EASILY had, I assure you this never could have happened.” She concluded, “I promise I’ll do better.”

STOOD UP: Bill Maher

Another avid opponent of “snowflake” culture is night time host Bill Maher. In a January interview with Megyn Kelly, Maher tore apart the Twitter mob interested only in “obtaining a scalp on the wall,” rhetorically asking, “That are these perfect individuals who have never made any mistake?”

Maher, who identifies as a classical liberal and Democrat, placed blame on the loud Leftist minority: “If they do polls, they find, like, 80 to 90 percent of individuals in this country hate this sh*t. Even liberals hate this sh*t.” He continued, “That is one reason Trump got elected, because people hate political correctness so much that they’ll even go on it in the mouth of a werewolf.”

In August , when national discourse was preoccupied with erasing the legacies of historical heroes like Washington and Jefferson , Maher challenged the mob to give up cancelling our forebears and direct that attention towards shaping an improved world for the descendants:   “Here’s a crazy idea: Let’s reside in today’s and make the near future better.”

BOWED DOWN: Jimmy Fallon

THIS MIGHT, a 2000 clip from Jimmy Fallon’s days on Saturday Night Live resurfaced where The Tonight Show host impersonated Chris Rock using blackface. The 20 year old video was recirculated on social media marketing, and soon, #jimmyfalonisoverparty was trending on Twitter.

Almost immediately, Fallon took to Twitter to apologize: “There is no excuse for this. I am very sorry for making this unquestionably offensive decision and thank all of you for holding me accountable.” He then opened his next show in June promising a personal reformation: “I had to really examine myself, really examine myself in the mirror this week… I realized I need to get educated.”

STOOD UP: Chris Rock

On the other hand of the Jimmy Fallon controversy is Chris Rock’s reaction to the issue. Within an interview with The Hollywood Reporter in September, he admitted the skit was “bad comedy” but additionally said Fallon called him personally to apologize after his May tweet. “He doesn’t have a racist bone in his body,” Rock said.

Within an interview with the NY Times the same month, Rock asked for some understanding for Fallon: “Hey, man, I m friends with Jimmy. Jimmy s a great guy. And he didn t mean anything. A lot of people want to say intention doesn t matter, but it does. And I don t think Jimmy Fallon intended to hurt me. And he didn t.”

Later that month, he appeared as a guest on The Tonight Show. Because the very individual being portrayed within an offensive light, Rock’s willingness to forgive and Twitter’s unwillingness to accomplish exactly the same reveals the underlying mentality of the cancel culture mob.

BOWED DOWN: Nike Executives

Nike planned to launch a particular edition of the Air Max 1 Quick Strike sneaker having a thirteen star American flag in celebration of Independence Day in 2019. Once they were distributed to retailers on the market, NFL player Colin Kaepernick – who signed a $126 million contract with Nike just a couple years earlier – demanded they be yanked from shelves.

Kaepernick insisted the Betsy Ross flag was offensive because of its link to a time of slavery. Almost immediately, Nike released a statement announcing these were halting distribution “predicated on concerns that [the flag] could unintentionally offend and detract from the nation’s patriotic holiday.” In a nutshell, Nike executives erased symbolic of the brand new War and a central little bit of American Independence on Independence Day in order never to cause supposed offense .

STOOD UP: Gina Carano

Earlier this month, actress Gina Carano was fired from Disney’s The Mandalorian” over a controversial social media marketing post , which likened persecution of conservatives to the Holocaust: The federal government first made their very own neighbors hate them exclusively for being Jews. How is that any not the same as hating someone because of their political views?”

Although she deleted the post, #FireGinaCarano almost immediately trended on Twitter. She soon discovered that her contract was terminated when news broke on social media marketing, as Disney chose never to contact her directly. But Carano didn’t allow cancel culture to get rid of her career. Significantly less than a day later, she announced a fresh movie project with the Daily Wire, proudly reclaiming her destiny, saying , “They can’t cancel us if we don’t let them.”


If these public figures made mistakes is your decision to choose – certainly a few of these offenses tend to be more grave than others. But what cancel culture enables many to forget is that folks are imperfect. Humans make mistakes, and celebrities who reside in the general public eye are susceptible to any misstep being permanently archived and scrutinized, even decades following the fact.

The mob must learn that ruining lives as sport can’t ever achieve any end apart from the propagation of misery. As University of Southern California professor Karen North put it , Everybody knows the phrase ‘misery loves company,’ however when researchers have viewed that, what they find is that whenever folks are miserable, they don’t just want company, they need visitors to share in the misery. So, misery loves miserable company.”

Insincere atonement serves and then gratify the mob, never to redeem the offender. These five stars who stood around cancel culture and only compassion, however, prove that the mob can only just prevail if we surrender to it. We should, instead, reclaim our to make mistakes also to study from them without living forever within their shadow. We should demand forgiveness and grace.  

Follow Rikki Schlott on Twitter.

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