Wackjob Leftist Attorneys Demand Authorities Open Criminal Probe of DeSantis for Flights to Martha’s Vineyard

Attorneys who say they represent the 50 illegal immigrants flown to Martha’s Vineyard are calling on state and federal attorneys general to open a criminal investigation of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

What crimes DeSantis was supposed to have committed is unclear. The Lawyers for Civil Rights — the Boston-based group trying for their 15 minutes of fame — sent a series of letters to various state and federal authorities.

In the letters sent, LCR detailed how its clients were induced to board airplanes and cross state lines under false pretenses. Individuals, working in concert with State officials, including the Florida Governor, made numerous false promises to LCR’s clients — including of work opportunities, schooling for their children, and immigration assistance — in order to induce them to travel. Once the planes landed, those who had induced individuals to travel under these false pretenses disappeared, leaving the immigrants to learn that the offers of assistance had all been a ruse to exploit them for political purposes.

DeSantis says all the illegals on the flight “had signed a waiver and had been provided with a packet including a map of Martha’s Vineyard,” adding, “It’s obvious that’s where they were going” and that it was all “voluntary.” There was no coercion. There were no promises of money or jobs. They were told that they would be taken to another facility to be processed.

But that doesn’t sound half as dramatic as asking fellow Democrats to file criminal charges like “kidnapping” or “trafficking.”

Community members from the island quickly rallied to help the migrants by donating food and clothing. Additionally, residents and others from different parts of the country raised more than $175,000 after the migrants’ arrival, according to Beth Folcarelli, CEO of the nonprofit Martha’s Vineyard Community Services.

The migrants’ attorneys said that their clients were not aware that they were being taken to Martha’s Vineyard specifically.

They were induced to board the planes with “representations of work assistance and immigration relief in Boston,” the attorneys said in a news release.

That’s great that residents could raise that much cash in so little time. Maybe McAllen, Texas, or Yuma, Ariz., could post a GoFundMe page and ask all those rich snots in Martha’s Vineyard to throw a little green their way so they could have a little easier time dealing with not 50 but tens of thousands of illegals who want exactly the same thing the illegals flown to Martha’s Vineyard want.

Virtue-signaling by the rich is disgusting. And the publicity-hungry lawyers enabling all this chest-thumping are worse.

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