‘Real Bulls**t!’: Fox News Segment Goes Off The Rails When Guest Brings Up January 6th Hearings

A Sunday afternoon Fox News segment went off the rails when a guest attacked the network over its decision to leave its prime time schedule intact and air the January 6th hearings on Fox Business Network.

Mike Crute, a liberal radio host from Wisconsin, joined “Fox News Live” with host Mike Emanuel — and he argued that the ongoing January 6th Committee hearings should have been given top billing on Fox News as they had been on the other networks. But When Emanuel pushed back, Crute continued to attack the network.


Fox News panel explodes over Jan 6 …
Mike Crute: “The real fight is for democracy. The real fight is for the soul and the real bulls**t is that your network won’t cover it.”
Mike Emanuel: “Whoa, whoa, whoa, we covered it plenty, we just aired it on the Fox Business Network.” pic.twitter.com/s32waje0fm

— Virginia Kruta (@VAKruta) June 12, 2022

Emanuel began the segment with an article from The New York Times — which asked whether President Joe Biden should seek a second term and posited that Democrats might even be souring on that idea — and turned that same question to his guests.

“Well, we absolutely need to take the fight to Republicans,” Crute replied. “Joe Biden should be out there fighting for democracy every single day. We should be talking about the January 6th hearings that go again live, that this network failed to cover because I tell you what, the real fight is for democracy. The real fight is for the soul and the real bull shit is that your network won’t cover it.

““Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!” Emanuel objected. “We covered it plenty, we just aired it on the Fox Business Network.”

“Fox Business Network my butt, Mike!” Crute shouted back.

“Dude! You’re gonna come on here — let me set the record straight. I wanna be neutral here. But when you attack our network, I’ve got a problem with that,” Emanuel pushed back.

Crute asked whether the network had advertised the live hearings during “Tucker Carlson Tonight, and that was when Emanuel’s other guest Jeff Crouere cut in.

“That’s the kind of — Mike, let me get in here,” he began. “That’s the filth we get from the other side using profane language.”

“That’s exactly the words used by the former Attorney General Bill Barr,” Crute claimed.

“The Democrats want to focus on everything but the main issue,” Crouere continued. “We’ve got historic inflation. American people are not able to keep up with these costs. They are falling further behind every month. The Biden Administration —”

“Republicans didn’t do squat, Jeff —” Crute argued.

“Fellows, we have to run,” Emanuel cut them off, adding, “Jeff, Mike, slug it out after the break.”

Read More From Original Article Here:

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