Bill Cosby Headed To Court Again To Face Sexual Abuse Charges In Civil Trial

Comedian and actor Bill Cosby will face sex abuse allegations in court on Wednesday as another alleged victim has come forward to reveal misconduct claims.

Cosby pleaded not guilty in the civil trial involving 64-year-old Judy Huth. She has accused the actor of forcing her to perform a sex act while at the Playboy Mansion when she was 16-years-old in 1975.

“Cosby’s attorneys have conceded that he met Huth and took her to the Playboy Mansion. An undated photo of the two of them there shows as much. But they thoroughly deny that any assault took place,” the Associated Press reported.

“And they say that Huth was actually 18 when the mansion visit occurred, which would make any violation significantly less serious under California law,” the report added.

The case is one of the final remaining legal cases Cosby faces in the actor’s long-time battle regarding multiple allegations of sexual misconduct. Nearly 60 people, according to the Los Angeles Times, have accused the comedian of various sexual crimes.

The allegations were first made public in 2014, though the case faced multiple setbacks regarding the statute of limitations for reporting abuse.

The Times stated that, “Huth said that after she used the bathroom, she opened the door to find Cosby sitting on the bed. She alleged he then tried to put his hand down her pants, and grabbed her hand and made her perform a sexual act on him.”

In March, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review the case after an appeal concerning Cosby’s overturned conviction in 2021 involving a previous sexual assault conviction, The Daily Wire reported.

The ruling left in place a 4-3 decision by Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court that Cosby’s 2018 conviction violated his due process rights. Cosby was released in June following the overturned decision.

In November, Montgomery County’s district attorney appealed the Pennsylvania ruling to the Supreme Court.

Cosby’s publicist, Andrew Wyatt, released a statement on behalf of Cosby’s family following the decision.

“Mr. Cosby’s Constitutional Rights were a ‘reprehensible bait and switch’ by Kevin Steele, Judge Steve T. O’Neill and their cohorts,” Wyatt said.

“This is truly a victory for Mr. Cosby but it shows that cheating will never get you far in life and the corruption that lies within Montgomery County District’s Attorney Office has been brought to the center stage of the world,” he added.

Cosby spent nearly three years in prison before the case was overturned.

In the current case, Cosby is not expected to testify, according to the AP’s report.

“Cosby’s representatives say glaucoma has left him blind and made travel too difficult,” according to the report, with the case being held in Santa Monica, California.

If found guilty, the civil case will not result in Cosby serving jail time. Cosby could instead be found liable for damages if a guilty verdict is determined.

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