Evan Rachel Wood Admits To Post-Abortion Suicide Attempt While Dating Marilyn Manson


The second part of the documentary “Phoenix Rising” debuted today, and with it comes some shocking claims from Evan Rachel Wood. The actress, who formerly accused her ex Marilyn Manson of sexual assault, had even more specific stories of sadistic abuse. The 34 year old also admitted to having an abortion while the two were dating and trying to commit suicide afterward because she was so depressed.

In “Phoenix Rising,” Wood said that Manson (whose real name is Brian Warner) allegedly refused to wear a condom. He also wouldn’t allow her to use any birth control. When Wood left to film the project “Mildred Pierce” in 2011, she found out she was pregnant and decided to have an abortion, USA Today reported.

“I obviously believe in a woman’s right to choose, but that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t devastating,” Wood said.

She recalls feeling suicidal after the abortion and tried to kill herself. The actress said she later committed herself to a mental health facility to help process her emotions. Being there had another positive impact as well. 

“When I got there, I could sleep because [Manson] didn’t know where I was,” Wood recalled.

The documentary included other gritty moments, such as Wood’s admission of very graphic details from her relationship with Manson. She said the rocker made her drink his blood, hit her with a swastika-adorned Nazi whip, and shocked her private parts, among other atrocities.

Ever since Wood went public with her claims of abuse, Manson has been denying they ever happened and even filed a defamation lawsuit against his former girlfriend. He accused Wood of making it all up plus hacking into his private email account in an attempt to attract more “fake” witnesses by posing as an FBI agent. Wood said she cannot discuss specifics of the case yet, but stands by her original claims of assault. 

“I can’t obviously speak about any of the specific allegations of the lawsuit, but I’m not scared,” Wood said during an appearance on “The View.”

“I am sad, because this is how it works. This is what pretty much every survivor that tries to expose someone in a position of power goes though, and this is part of the retaliation that keeps survivors quiet. This is why people don’t want to come forward. This was expected.”

One person speaking out in defense of Wood is Manson’s former assistant, Dan Cleary. Back before Wood identified Manson as her accuser, Cleary defended her on Twitter and said he believed her.

“He broke her. I didn’t totally realize until later in life,” Cleary wrote at the time. “But as I see so many people defending him and calling his accusers liars, I’ve just had enough. Believe them, I saw it.”

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a free hotline for individuals in crisis or distress or for those looking to help someone else. It is available 24/7 at 1-800-273-8255.

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