Wyoming Voters Have to Pay for an Audience with Liz Cheney 

Wyoming voters will have to pay for an audience with embattled Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) during one of her infrequent visits to her home state next week.

Cheney, who is rarely seen in Wyoming, is charging Wyoming residents $10 for admission to an event next week, Politico reported about a gathering to be held at Jackson’s Center for the Arts. During the event, Cheney will only answer pre-selected questions, perhaps to avoid the ire of Wyoming voters.

“Can you believe it? Charging for a ticket! It’s a slap in the face,” voter Rebecca Bextel told Politico about the event. “We have one person representing us… and she shows up in town and it costs $10 to see her. It’s embarrassing.”

According to the report, Republicans who oppose Cheney and likely support her GOP primary opponent, Harriet Hageman, have bought about a quarter of the 350 available tickets to “give the embattled congresswoman a piece of their minds.”

Cheney is in hot water after opposing American First policies, voting to impeach Donald Trump, and allying herself with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) January 6 committee, which has sought to investigate the January 6 incident without focusing on the alleged FBI informants at the Capitol.

Cheney’s conduct has drawn condemnation from the Wyoming Republican Party and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. After the Wyoming GOP voted to no longer recognize her as a Republican in November, McCarthy announced in February his endorsement of Hageman to defeat Cheney.

“After spending time with Harriet, it is readily apparent she will always listen and prioritize the needs of her local communities and is focused on tackling our nation’s biggest problems,” McCarthy said. “I look forward to serving with Harriet for years to come.”

McCarthy’s decision to endorse Hageman mirrors the overall criticism of Cheney. “Liz Cheney has lost Wyoming. Liz Cheney doesn’t live in Wyoming. She doesn’t represent us,” Hageman told Breitbart News in January. “She doesn’t represent our values.”

Meanwhile, a straw poll in January among GOP activists found Trump-endorsed Hageman holds a solid lead over Cheney. The poll, conducted by the Wyoming Republican State Central Committee via secret ballot, showed Hageman won 59 votes and Cheney six, a 53-vote advantage for Hageman.

Cheney reportedly has a powerful five-million-dollar war chest with which to oppose Hageman. But Hageman is backed by Donald Trump and Republican megadonor Peter Thiel, who reportedly dubbed Cheney the “ringleader” of the “treasonous ten.”

The reference pertains to the Republicans who voted to impeach Donald Trump for January 6. Cheney attended the Democrat-led annual celebration on January 6 with her father Dick Cheney, former vice president to George Bush.

Dick Cheney’s approval among the Wyoming electorate is also underwater. Overall, only 39 percent approve of Dick while 48 percent do not. Among prospective Hageman voters, Dick has a 57-32 percent disapproval rating. Among Liz Cheney voters, Dick has a favorability rating of 60 percent with 26 percent disapproving.

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