Bruce Springsteen, Jeep Celebrity Spokesman, Arrested For DWI

Music icon Bruce Springsteen was arrested for DWI in New Jersey last year, reports revealed days after he appeared in a Super Bowl commercial for Jeep.

Authorities arrested Springsteen, who is due in court in several weeks, on Nov. 14 at Gateway National Recreation Area in Sandy Hook, New Jersey. He was cited for DWI, reckless driving, and consuming alcohol in a closed area, according to TMZ, which first reported the arrest. A spokesperson for the National Parks Service confirmed the arrest to The New York Post.

Springsteen made headlines earlier this week after he appeared in a Jeep commercial first aired during the Super Bowl game between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Kansas City Chiefs on Sunday night. Springsteen, a vocal critic of former President Donald Trump, made a pitch for unity during the commercial sparking accusations of hypocrisy after his treatment of Trump and Republicans months prior.

In the run-up to the 2020 election, Springsteen publicly pledged to leave the United States if Trump was reelected. In June, the singer called then-President Trump a “threat to our democracy.”

“I believe that our current president is a threat to our democracy,” the singer said. “He simply makes any kind of reform that much harder. I don’t know if our democracy could stand another four years of his custodianship. These are all existential threats to our democracy and our American way of life.”

In October, Springsteen said the White House was in need of an “exorcism.”

“Welcome ghouls and fools, witches, vampires, bloodsucking politicians, zombie denizens of Washington, DC, it is time for an exorcism in our nation’s capital,” he said. “In just a few days we’ll be throwing the bums out. I thought it was a … nightmare but it was so true.”

In the Jeep commercial that aired Sunday, Springsteen struck a different cord, calling on Americans to reject division and work toward “the middle.” As The Daily Wire reported:

In the ad, Springsteen calls on Americans to work toward “the middle” and overcome division in politics and elsewhere to get to “what connects us.” His speech plays over clips of the open road, at times featuring the singer and a Jeep vehicle. As the ad closes, an image of the outline of the United States appears overlaid with the words “To the ReUnited States of America.”

“There’s a chapel in Kansas standing on the exact center of the lower 48. It never closes. All are more than welcome to come meet here in the middle,” Springsteen says. “It’s no secret, the middle has been a hard place to get to lately, between red and blue, between servant and citizen, between our freedom and our fear.”

“Now fear has never been the best of who we are. And as for freedom, it’s not the property of just the fortunate few. It belongs to us all, whoever you are, wherever you’re from. It’s what connects us, and we need that connection,” he continues. “We need the middle. We just have to remember the very soil we stand on is common ground. So we can get there. We can make it to the mountain top, through the desert, and we will cross this divide. Our light has always found its way through the darkness. And there’s hope on the rode up ahead.”

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