New York Times Smears Women as Just 'Menstruators'

The New York Times has started describing women as “menstruators,” implementing the radical demand by male-dominated transgender activists who are trying to cut out the cultural status and legal rights earned by women.

In a piece on Thursday titled “Menstruation Gets a Gen Z Makeover,” the Times writes that members of “Gen Z and beyond are more forthcoming about their periods than generations past, and they are more likely to care whether the products they use are environmentally sustainable.” However, throughout the piece, the Times uses the term “menstruator,” despite the fact that biological females are the only individuals who menstruate:

“This whole movement is youth-driven,” said Michela Bedard, executive director of Period Inc., a global nonprofit focused on providing access to period supplies and ending period stigma. “Young menstruators are having a completely different experience in terms of managing their periods with reusables throughout their life.”
Reusable products represent only a fraction of menstruation supplies purchased in the United States — Americans spend $1.8 billion on pads and $1 billion on tampons yearly, which dwarfs sales of all other products combined. But the market share for reusable products is expected to grow through the next decade, according to forecasters, largely fueled by the wider acceptance and availability of menstrual cups in Western countries. Still, the average menstruator can use thousands of tampons in their lifetime. And single-use plastic menstrual products take about 500 years to decompose, a 2021 report from the United Nations Environment Programme found [Emphasis added].

In another section of the piece, the Times uses the term “new menstruators” to describe young women going through puberty:

The carefully selected language use is yet another example of the far-left’s attempt to erase gendered language and bow to the demands of transgender activists, who contend that “woman” cannot accurately describe someone who menstruates, as some women identify as males.

This should not come as a surprise, particularly from the Times, as the establishment media outlet recently posted a 1,900-word article “on the risks of ‘transgender’ medical procedures for young people — without mentioning their innate and unchangeable male or female sex,” as Breitbart News reported: 

The January 13 article has zero mention of “female,” male,” or even of “sex,” but it does have 30 mentions of “gender” and 23 mentions of “transgender” as it tries to hide the innate male-or-female nature of every person on the planet.

For example, it uses the phrase “the gender they were assigned at birth” instead of describing a person’s male or female sex. That choice matches the demands of the transgender ideology, which insists that an infant’s future feelings about his or her sex are more important than the child’s actual sex.

The Times doubled down this month, leading the charge for the radical transgender agenda by directing readers to recognize a biological male who identifies as a woman, Amy Schneider, as the “first woman” to win $1 million on Jeopardy! 

Jeopardy winner Amy Schneider, a transgender man, has been hailed by corporate media as “the highest-earning female contestant” in the game show’s history (Screenshot/CBS).

“On Friday, she became the fourth contestant and the first woman in the history of ‘Jeopardy!’ to surpass $1 million in winnings during regular-season play,” the Times wrote, continually referring to the biological male as “she.”

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