‘We Don’t Want You!’: Dan Bongino Blasts AOC Over Maskless Florida Jaunt, Tells Her To ‘Just Go Away’

Conservative radio host Dan Bongino laid into Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez during a Monday morning broadcast of “Fox & Friends,” saying that she was free to travel wherever she liked but wondering why she’d choose Florida if she didn’t like “conservative America.”

“Just don’t come to Florida, okay? It’s a free country, I can’t tell AOC what to do unlike the tyrannical lunatic, you know, anti-free speech left. I actually believe in freedom. You can travel where you want. Having said that, why? Why do you want to come down here? You say you hate us,” Bongino, who lives in Florida, began.

“We’re, you know, white nationalists, Nazis, fascists, racists, transphobic, homophobic …” Bongino continued. You say you hate us. We’re all backwards … we’re like a bunch of … rednecks.” Every insult that you can throw at conservative America. Which is ridiculous and absurd you throw at us. So why do you want to be around us?”

Bongino went on to quote Motley Crew, adding, “Girl, don’t go away mad, just go away.”

“Don’t come down here. Why are you coming down here?” he asked. “We don’t want to be near you. We’re not interested in being … we’re not moving to New York. There’s no mass exodus to New York or California. The U-Haul rates are higher in the other direction.”

“Everybody’s emulating Snake Plissken from the 1980s movies. They’re trying to escape from New York. We don’t want you. Please don’t come down here. We’re not interested. You clearly failed. You created hellholes where you live by voting for your lunacy. Just stay away. We’ve got a good thing,” Bongino concluded.

Ocasio-Cortez took some heat for traveling to Florida, especially while people in her home district were dealing with a resurgence of COVID-19 cases and much more aggressive restrictions.

As the Daily Wire reported, “notable responses to the photographs of Ocasio-Cortez spending time in Miami included” but were not limited to:

Stephen L. Miller, political commentator: “Could have gone to Hawaii or Puerto Rico to visit her abuela. She went to Florida. Lol.. she actually did that.”Christina Pushaw, press secretary for Governor Ron DeSantis: “Florida is so dangerous & scary that AOC decided to go on vacation in Miami this week. You know it’s a free state when even a Democrat can enjoy cocktails without being forced to show her papers or wear a mask.”Ian Miles Cheong, journalist: “AOC sipping drinks, maskless and open in the free state of Florida while New York City suffers from record high cases of COVID.”Rich Lowry, National Review: “Where else would a New York City socialist go to escape her city during a massive surge in covid cases but Ron DeSantis’ Florida?”Bryan Dean Wright, former CIA officer: “Like other communists, @AOC is a hypocrite and an all around turd.”Esteban Gerbasi: “Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D., N.Y) dines out at Doraku Sushi and Izakaya in Miami Beach as New York sees record surge in Covid-19 cases. A Great Hypocrite.”Rob Schmitt, Newsmax: “AOC is in south beach for her vacation lol. Prob not good to talk sh!% about Florida all year then vacation there…”Tim Murtaugh, former Trump campaign spokesman: “But we have been reliably informed that Florida is dangerous and that the governor wants to kill people.”

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