BBC Caves to Meghan and Harry, Drops 'Misogynistic' Megxit From Docuseries

The term ‘Megxit’ will reportedly be dropped as the title for an upcoming episode of a BBC documentary series on the British Royal Family due to complaints about the term being sexist.

A documentary series on the British Royal Family from the BBC, The Princes and the Press is to have the name of its second episode changed over accusations that the original title, ‘Megxit’, has a misogynistic origin.

Instead, the second episode is now set to be aired under the title “Sussexit”, according to a report by The Telegraph.

The term “Megxit” has been widely used by British tabloids to describe Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s controversial decision to withdraw from official Royal duties.

The accusations of a sexist origin for the term may be questionable, with it merely being a conjunction of Brexit and the Duchess’ first name.

Prince Harry has previously lashed out at the use of the term “Megxit” as “misogynistic” and claimed that the term was originally created by a “troll”.

“Maybe people know this and maybe they don’t, but the term Megxit was or is a misogynistic term, and it was created by a troll, amplified by royal correspondents, and it grew and grew and grew into mainstream media. But it began with a troll,” Prince Harry said.

The second episode of the documentary, which is due to be aired on Monday, is expected to paint a picture of a general lack of support for the pair within the Royal Family, as well as suggest that a senior member of Family aided a tabloid newspaper in fighting a court case with Meghan.

The Telegraph also reports, however, that the BBC “has not confirmed which elements considered for the documentary will make the final cut.”

The palace, which has claimed that it did not receive what it saw as a proper right of reply, said that the documentary’s claims in both episodes are “overblown and unfounded”.

Both Harry and Meghan have been deeply involved in campaigning against social media negativity, something which they warn is affecting people’s mental health.

“I’m not on social media — we’re not on social media — and until things change, that will remain the same,” Prince Harry said during an online panel.

The Prince also claimed to have warned Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey that his platform was being used to organize a “coup” ahead of violent protests in the US capitol on January 6th.

“Jack and I were emailing each other prior to 6 January, I warned him that his platform was allowing a coup to be staged,” the Prince said. “That email was sent the day before and then it happened, and I haven’t heard from him since.”

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