SAFETY LAST: Dem Senators Celebrate Infrastructure Bill on Maskless Bus Ride

Democratic senators on Monday flaunted their privilege while flouting health and safety guidelines to celebrate the signing of the controversial infrastructure bill.

Sen. Tina Smith (Minn.) posted a group selfie with her colleagues aboard a private bus en route to the White House. “Field trip to the White House!” Smith wrote. “Going to watch the infrastructure bill get signed into law.”

Most of the Democrats pictured, including Smith, were not wearing masks. Washington, D.C., requires the use of masks on “public transport like buses and trains,” regardless of an individual’s vaccination status. By recklessly ignoring the guidance of health and safety experts, the Democrats were putting countless lives at risk. We are literally shaking right now.

Smith’s selfie clearly shows Sens. Maggie Hassan (D., N.H.), Angus King (I., Maine), John Hickenlooper (D., N.M.), Jacky Rosen (D., Nev.), and Mark Kelly (D., Ariz.) refusing to abide by the rules. Perhaps they assumed that because they are white and powerful, they shouldn’t have to follow the same rules that govern the lives of hardworking Americans, including the millions who rely on public transit for their livelihoods.

Another group selfie posted by Sen. Ben Ray Luján (D., N.M.) shows Sen. Tim Kaine (D., Va.), a failed vice presidential candidate, flaunting his privilege by shunning the district’s mask mandate, which of course is rooted in science. Sen. Jon Ossof (D., Ga.) is also pictured. He is wearing a mask but looks positively miserable, probably because his colleagues were making fun of him for following the rules like a freaking nerd.

Rosen, the senator from Nevada, has a history of defying state and local mask mandates. For example, she was spotted without a mask at a Sept. 11 costume party to honor casino billionaire Elaine Wynn. Nevada’s Democratic governor, Steve Sisolak, had recently imposed a mask mandate for all indoor venues, including the “urban chic” Las Vegas resort where Rosen and other Democrats were partying.

Alas, Democrats don’t have many good role models when it comes to abiding by mask mandates. Washington, D.C., mayor Muriel Bowser (D.), whose mask mandate the Democratic senators violated, joined hundreds of guests at an unmasked wedding reception in July, less than 24 hours after she imposed an indoor mask mandate across the district.

The Washington Free Beacon will continue to hold Democrats accountable for ignoring science and refusing to abide by the rules they impose on the citizens they represent.

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